Our gas network covers western Melbourne and central and western Victoria. We work all year to maintain, upgrade and extend our network so we can continue supplying safe and reliable gas to our customers.
By 2028, we’re aiming to upgrade our entire existing low-pressure gas network in Western Victoria by replacing existing cast iron, PVC and galvanised low-pressure mains with high-pressure modern polyethylene pipes (poly pipes). We first prioritise areas with higher gas leakage rates which is an important safety concern.
Our crews have also been reinforcing the gas mains in areas predicted to experience more cold snaps and consecutive cold days, and the fringes of networks in outer Western Victoria where communities face potential outages.
Visit the below Victorian Government and Energy Safe Victoria's links to find information on ways to stay safe and warm this winter.
View our factsheets below for further details on gas safety and gas saving tips.
To get updates on outages, make sure your gas retailer has your mobile number and email address. They’ll pass it onto us, and we’ll start sending you updates.
You can also follow us on Facebook for information and updates on outages and the latest news on our network improvements.