General advice
- Save up to $30 a year by fitting draught seals to the openings of external windows and doors to stop warm air escaping.
- Open curtains during the day to let in the sun and close them before it gets dark to keep heat in.
- Use well-fitted curtains or blinds to trap cold air near the window.
- Save up to $70 a year by installing underfloor insulation.
- Save up to $260 a year by installing ceiling insulation to stop heat from escaping.
- Set your heater's thermostat between 18 and 20 degrees. Every degree higher can add 15% to your heating costs.
- If you've got your ducted heating on, use the zoning function and close doors in rooms you're not using.
- Clean your heater's filter regularly to help it run efficiently.
- Turn your heater off overnight or when you leave the house.
- Replace older heaters with energy efficient ones.
Dishwasher and washing machine
Only run your dishwasher when it's full.
- Save around $40-$80 a year by using the 'cold water' setting on your washing machine.
- Save up to $160 a year by replacing old showerheads with energy efficient ones.
- Fix dripping taps, especially hot water taps.
- When using a stovetop, keep lids on pots to reduce cooking time.
- Check that your oven door seal is in good condition and replace it if it’s damaged.