Generator connections into the AusNet (AST) Distribution Network, are classified as embedded generator connection. The AST distribution network is, generally, defined as all parts of the AST network which operate at 66kV or lower.
This page sets out the process, indicative costs and time frames of embedded generator connections with generation capacity of 5MW or greater.
Connections into the 220kV (and above) network are considered connections onto the Victorian Transmission Network. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) manages the connection process for all Victorian Transmission connections and will be your main point of contact.
The AusNet distribution network spans the east of Victoria.

Time frames and process
There are 6 main stages in the process to connect generation capacities of 5 MW or greater to the AST Distribution Network. For a detailed outline of the full connection process, please see the Distribution Connection Process Map (PDF, 89.5KB).