Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale Wind Farms

Ryan Corner – 15km north-west of Port Fairy VIC
Hawkesdale – 5km south-east of Hawkesdale VIC

Transmission asset construction - August 2022 to late 2024


We’ve been engaged by Global Power Generation Australia (GPG Australia) to connect the Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale wind farms to the grid.

We will design, build, own and operate the transmission assets that will connect the wind farms to the electricity grid.

When complete, the Ryan Corner and Hawkesdale wind farms will have a combined capacity of 315 megawatts (MW) enough to power 208,000 homes each year.

For more information, visit the:

What we’re doing

  • Building a new, 34-kilometre , 132 kilovolt (kV) overhead transmission line.
  • Upgrading Tarrone Terminal Station, including a new 132 kV switchyard and a 420 mega-volt-ampere (MVA) transformer
  • Building a new substation at each wind farm site, including two 120MVA transformers at the Ryan Corner Wind Farm and one 120MVA transformer at the Hawkesdale Wind Farm.

Need more information?

For more information or if you have any questions about the Ryan Corner or Hawkesdale wind farms, including the transmission assets, please contact GPG Australia:

Phone: 0428 867 646
Email: ryancornerwindfarm@globalpower-generation.com.au