Great Alpine Road electricity network upgrade

Ensuring a reliable electricity supply to residents and businesses in the area.

Location: Great Alpine Road, Dinner Plain

Timeframe: To be confirmed

We’re installing a new 22kV underground cable beneath the Great Alpine Road in Dinner Plain.
The new cable is being installed to ensure that residents and businesses in the area can have access to reliable electricity.

Power supply to the area should not be interrupted, however we’ll let you know in advance if this happens.

Where is this upgrade happening?

The new cable will be installed by boring under the Great Alpine Road starting at the JB Plain Hut Campground and ending at Roney Macs Twist in Dinner Plain. This route has been carefully chosen to minimise impacts on the environment and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.

When is this work happening?

Our timeline for construction is not finalised yet, but we'll keep you updated on this webpage with more information. Our standard onsite hours are from 7am to 7pm on weekdays and 7am to 1pm on Saturdays. 

Traffic management

So that our crews can work safely, one lane will be closed along the Great Alpine Road. We’ll have traffic management and portable traffic lights in place to help guide vehicles through the area.

Impact to hiking and mountain biking trails

We will be conducting works near the JB Plain Hut campground and carpark. Please approach with caution, our crews will help guide you safely through the area.

Contact Us

For more information, or if you have any questions:
Phone: 0447 283 715