Australia’s first community mini grid launched in Yackandandah

1 December 2017

Today Australia’s first community mini grid in Yackandandah was officially launched.

The mini grid launch is the result of a partnership between Mondo Power, AusNet and Totally Renewable Yackandandah (TRY) for the Yackandandah community in North East Victoria.

This pioneering community energy project involves 169 homes and combines rooftop solar systems, battery storage and Mondo Ubi – the smart energy monitoring and management system powering the mini grid.

The mini grid provides information to all participating households on how much solar energy they are generating, how much the whole community is generating and how they are progressing towards their 100% renewable goal.

Formed in 2014, TRY has a courageous goal of powering their community with 100% renewable energy by 2022. In 2016 AusNet began a partnership with TRY to explore energy solutions to help the community achieve their goal.

Manager Energy Solutions for Mondo Power, Mark Judd, said “It’s been a real privilege to work with this community for almost two years and help them become a beacon for what a town can achieve with a bold vision and real drive. The future for renewable energy in Australia’s regional and rural towns is bright.”

"The technology put in place also lays the foundation for what could soon enable households to share energy directly with one another across the community.” Mr Judd said.

Chairman of TRY, Matt Grogan, said “It’s been a rewarding experience supporting such driven community members who are changing Yackandandah’s energy future and the broader Australian energy landscape.”

Speakers at the event in Yackandandah included Federal MP Cathy McGowan, Indigo Shire Mayor Jenny O’Connor and representatives of AusNet, TRY and Mondo Power.

Mondo Power is an independent subsidiary of AusNet Pty Ltd and is based out of Melbourne, Victoria. Mondo Power specialises in advanced energy management solutions for both commercial and community partners with a focus on distributed energy offerings.

Totally Renewable Yackandandah is a 100% volunteer run community group, formed in 2014, with the lofty goal of powering Yackandandah with 100% renewable energy and achieving energy sovereignty by 2022.

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Mondo Power
(Caroline Taylor)
03 9695 6423

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