Stockyard Hill Wind Farm

Title: Stockyard Hill Wind Farm
Duration: 2 minute 39  seconds  

[Video begins] 

[Music plays]: 

[Description]: We see a high-speed view of vehicles, equipment and crew constructing power poles across dry crop land.

Trucks come and go and wind turbine bases are constructed.

A fence is put up around the future wind farm base and equipment is built on the site.

Cranes erect wind towers and the wind farm base starts to take shape.

We see an aerial view of the site half finished.

The scene slows for a few seconds to show work crew around a crane lifting tower pieces.

More turbine bases are built.

The camera tracks over the half-completed wind farm base.

The camera moves back to show the surrounding countryside as the sun sets.

We see a closer view of all the equipment and materials ready to complete the wind farm.

We see a higher aerial view of the wind farm base, the fields around it, transmission lines and the setting sun.

A blank screen with